Jak nasza aplikacja dla klienta z branży restauracyjnej odmieniła proces raportowania i poprawiła jakość danych
utworzone przez Datariselab | sty 23, 2024 | Case studies
Business problem
- Multiple units (stores) reporting data to headquarters via excel
- Problems with data standardisation and quality, multiple human errors in data
- Time consuming data consolidation processes, difficulties in joining data from the application with data from the other systems (i.e. ERP, budgeting tool)
- Difficulty in tracking performance of stores over time, analysing trends and performing any more advanced analytical tasks
Project scope
- Analysis of reporting requirements with the Customer
- Set up of required IT Infrastructure
- Development of web application in .NET technology (free of additional licences)
- Integration of the application with Customer’s Group Data Warehouse
- Development of PowerBI reporting, joining data collected in the application with data from Data Warehouse (i.e., with data from ERP system, budgets etc.)
- Support in change management and onboarding of Customer’s employees to the new tool
Benefits for our Customer
- Timely reporting from stores
- High quality of data, due to standardisation of reporting and multiple data quality checks implemented in the solution (limiting human errors)
- Ability to quickly analyse results of stores, by comparing data reported by stores with actuals / budgets from Data Warehouse
- Ability to track goals of stores on regular basis
- Saving time on consolidation of data and leaving more time for value adding activities